Monday, November 23, 2009

it keeps growing...

Trey and I attended his stepsister's wedding over the weekend, and *someone* was most taken with the candy buffet - so now we just have to have an array of sugary goodness to hype our guests to the rafters. To be honest, I'd wanted one, but didn't think he would go for it - - perhaps there is something to letting the man think things are his idea? We've also discussed the idea of giving out guitar picks in addition to soundtrack cd's, and have added an after party to the whole thing for those we don't have room for during the dinner/ceremony/cake thing. We're both getting custom Converse, and he's kind of coming up with his own colors - which I think is completely cool.

We had a bit of an incident - my growing pile of fallen tree branches that were to become my silver twig trees? The ones that were perfectly dried out and ready to begin their transformative process? They're laying in the front yard. Candy Man (ha!) got mad at them and chucked them out there. It's been raining quite a lot, too, so the drying process has to start all over again. He's right, I do need to find a better place to store them - but so does he. There. I said it. I'm having a protracted, silent 'Zilla moment over this.

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